Christianity has about 2B of followers who faithfully believe the Bible is literal history and the living word of their god. For many non-believers Christianity is mythology and Jesus just part of it. But who was Jesus, did he exist? Yes he did, a Jewish peasant who for 7 years wondered in Jerusalem professing omens against the city, its temple, its people and his name was Jesus.
No church will tell you historical facts that happened between 200 BC and 400 AD. This period was brutal, of Roman civil wars and Jews rebelling against their conqueror, the Roman Empire. Particularly Year 69 is well known as "the year of 4 emperors" for a reason... a transfer of power between the Julio-Claudian Dynasty to the Flavian Dynasty (The Roman Empire Saviors).
After 5+ years of research, I propose a logical opinion, based on common sense and supported on historical facts to discover the historical Jewish peasant named Jesus. Bringing hard evidence and verifiable historical facts anyone will appreciate Jesus really existed. Also, I propose a logical opinion of who the concepts of God/Father, Christ/Son and Holy Sprit are based on.
There’s no historical evidence in ancient Jewish (Talmud, Torah, Dead Sea Scrolls, Josephus, etc.), or Roman (Suetonius, Tacitus, etc.) literature that can definitely prove without any doubt the existence of the Pro-Roman Character of Jesus exactly how is portrayed in the Bible, hence Christians still have "The Burden Of Proof". Curiously enough, their Pro-Roman Jesus promotes "paying taxes to Caesar" and "turning the other cheek" while watching his countrymen killing each other including Rabis/women/children, committing cannibalism, starving to death, being crucified for sedition or kill by the Roman sword.
In addition, most Christians don't even read their own bible and pretend to argue only based on their religious book rather than rely on historical facts. They cherry pick other sources and when they find something only cite whatever they think is relevant to support their Pro-Roman Jesus. The fact is most Christians are closed and fixed minded, they don't actually read other sources beyond their religious book which they blindly believe is literal history. Christians are so bold that dare to tell the Jews who their real messiah is, i.e. Jesus, yet until today Jews don't believe the Christian Pro-Roman Jesus is their messiah. Remember, you are born a sinner, you're not supposed to question religious authorities nor their religious book, you're supposed to follow the Christian Bible step-by-step, otherwise you'll meet the Devil and burn in Hell.
Many scholars agree that what all ancient historians such as Suetonius, Tacitus, Pliny, etc. refer as Christians is in fact the Messianic Movement at the time. This Messianic Movement was promoted by the Essenes which were the third Jewish sect at the time along with the Pharisees and Sadducees. This was a time where there are dozens of so called "messiahs" in Judea which were put to death for sedition against the Roman Empire. Josephus doesn't even mention Christians at all in his 1st book and most secular scholars agree the 2 mentions of Jesus in Josephus' 2nd book are FORGERY. What Josephus actually talks about in his 1st book is a 4th philosophy called the Zealots, this was a religious extremist and anti-roman group that took control over the Jews and Jerusalem during the 1st Jewish-Roman War in Year 66. You can compare these Zealots to what nowadays are extremist and fanatic groups that inflict terror and can kill anyone in the name of their god or religion, i.e. "god wars".
The Christian Bible and the Jewish Torah have been manipulated from millennia to satisfy the agenda of Kings and Governments at the time for their own benefit. The fact is, nobody knows in which year the Pro-Roman Jesus was born, the so called "experts" have only guessed. Over the years Christianity has been used many times to sow fear into its subjects to reap blind obedience and financial gains.
Burden Of Proof
Devil / Hell
After setting the goal of finding the Historical Jesus I quickly learned had to look beyond the Christian Bible. Although the Gospels contradict themselves sometimes they give you some hints as time periods, historical characters and locations which can help you to find the Historical Jesus. I read several books on the subject but was always doubtful and unsatisfied about the author's conclusion, I needed something more convincing and logical. I needed to get to the bottom of this for consciousness reasons, stop questioning myself and either prove Jesus' existence or rather his non-existence. So, what did I do? I read the same sources these authors did and end up making my own well informed conclusion. I'm not a historian neither a theologist but one thing is certain, I'm a really good IT business and system analyst. For me this subject is easier than gathering requirements and architecting a full-stack cloud based application for an USA based logistics corporation. As the open minded visitor reads along, s/he will realize this dissertation is reasonably logical, full of common sense, straight forward and easy to understand but most of all based on historical facts, is up to the open minded visitor what to do with it at the personal level.
Many societies group their myths, legends, and history together, considering myths and legends to be true accounts of their remote past. The main characters in myths are usually non-humans, such as gods, demigods and other supernatural figures. To prove Jesus really existed you must read not only the Bible but also ancient history, especially between 200 BC to 400 AD, from the Dead Sea Scrolls to Constantine. I'll prove to you in this dissertation Jesus really existed without any doubt, but... I also prove Christianity falls into the category of of Myth and in some ways, seems part of the Romans' intention was to ridicule with a dark humor (Satire) the Jews after crushing them during the 1st Jewish-Roman War while the new and incoming Roman Dynasty (The Flavian Dynasty) was worshiped as gods.
Myth - Wikipedia
Satire - Wikipedia
The Dead Sea Scrolls and Messianic Prophesy
The Dead Sea Scrolls, also called the Qumran Caves Scrolls, are a set of ancient Jewish manuscripts from the Second Temple period. They were discovered over a period of 10 years, between 1946 and 1956, at the Qumran Caves near Ein Feshkha in the West Bank, on the northern shore of the Dead Sea. Dating from the 3rd century BCE to the 1st century CE, the Dead Sea Scrolls are considered to be a keystone in the history of archaeology with great historical, religious, and linguistic significance because they include the oldest surviving manuscripts of entire books later included in the biblical canons, along with extra-biblical and deuterocanonical manuscripts that preserve evidence of the diversity of religious thought in late Second Temple Judaism. At the same time, they cast new light on the emergence of Christianity and of Rabbinic Judaism. Almost all of the 15,000 scrolls and scroll fragments are held in the Shrine of the Book at the Israel Museum, located in the city of Jerusalem. The Israeli government's custody of the Dead Sea Scrolls is disputed by Jordan and the Palestinian Authority on territorial, legal, and humanitarian grounds — they were mostly discovered following the Jordanian annexation of the West Bank and were acquired by Israel after Jordan lost the 1967 Arab - Israeli War — whilst Israel's claims are primarily based on historical and religious grounds, given their significance in Jewish history and in the heritage of Judaism.
Dead Sea Scrolls
4Q521 or the Messianic Apocalypse is one of the Dead Sea Scrolls found in the Cave 4 near Qumran. The subject of the text is eschatological and makes a connection with the healing ministry of the Messiah. 4Q521 may be related to other apocalyptic end-time texts, 4QSecond Ezekiel 4QApocryphon of Daniel, and has been studied in relation to Gospel of Luke's Messianic Magnificat and Benedictus and especially striking is the comparison with Luke 7:22 about raising the dead.
The Messiah/anointed figure in 4Q521 is commonly interpreted as an Elijah-type figure rather than a Davidic warrior Messiah. In the Dead Sea Scrolls, Hebrew prophets, such as Elijah, are regularly referred to as "anointed ones". Furthermore, it is the role of a herald or messenger to "bring good news to the poor", suggesting a prophetic rather than warrior figure. Only in 4Q521 does an ancient Jewish text say the Messiah will raise the dead in the eternal kingdom (in the New Testament also, Jesus is the agent of the final resurrection; John 6:40). Rather, raising the dead was most commonly associated with the historical career of Elijah (1 Kings 17), and later Jewish commentary solely placed the role of resurrection in God's future kingdom with Elijah.
The Messianic Apocalypse
The Hasmonean Dynasty
The Hasmonean dynasty was a ruling dynasty of Judea during the Hellenistic times of the Second Temple period, from c. 140 BCE to 37 BCE. Between c. 140 and c. 116 BCE the dynasty ruled Judea semi-autonomously in the Seleucid Empire, and from roughly 110 BCE, with the empire disintegrating, Judea gained further autonomy and expanded into the neighboring regions of Perea, Samaria, Idumea, Galilee, and Iturea. The Hasmonean rulers took the Greek title basileus ("king") as the kingdom became a regional power for several decades. Forces of the Roman Republic intervened in the Hasmonean Civil War in 63 BCE and made it into a client state, marking the decline of Hasmonean dynasty; Herod the Great displaced the last reigning Hasmonean client-ruler in 37 BCE. Herod the Great was assisted by Mark Anthony as he fought battles with Mark's father and actually met Cleopatra, Mark's lover.
Simon Thassi established the dynasty in 141 BCE, two decades after his brother Judas Maccabeus had defeated the Seleucid army during the Maccabean Revolt of 167 to 141 BCE according to 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, and the first book of The Jewish War by historian Josephus (37 – c. 100 CE). Hanukkah is still celebrated in commemoration of Judas Maccabeus' victory. The Seleucid king Antiochus IV Epiphanes (r. 175–164) moved to assert strict control over the Seleucid satrapy of Coele Syria and Phoenicia after his successful invasion of Ptolemaic Egypt (170–168 BCE) was turned back by the intervention of the Roman Republic. He sacked Jerusalem and its Temple, suppressing Jewish and Samaritan religious and cultural observances, and imposed Hellenistic practices (c. 168–167 BCE). The steady collapse of the Seleucid Empire under attacks from the rising powers of the Roman Republic and the Parthian Empire allowed Judea to regain some autonomy; however, in 63 BCE, the kingdom was invaded by the Roman Republic, broken up and set up as a Roman client state where Herod the Great was put as King.
Hasmonean Dynasty
Seleucid Empire
The Jewish-Roman War (Josephus' 1st Book)
The Jewish War or Judean War (in full History of the Jewish War against the Romans); also referred to in English as The Wars of the Jews, is a book written by Josephus, a first-century Roman-Jewish historian. It has been described by Steve Mason as "perhaps the most influential non-biblical text of Western history".
Divided into seven books, it opens with a summary of Jewish History from the capture of Jerusalem by the Seleucid ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes in 168 BC to the first stages of the First Jewish-Roman War (Books I and II). The next five books detail the unfolding of the war, under Roman generals Vespasian and Titus, to the death of the last Sicarii. The book was written about 75 AD, originally in Josephus' "paternal tongue" – either Aramaic or Hebrew – though this version has not survived. It was later translated into Greek, probably under the supervision of Josephus himself. Buth and Pierce wrote "the current Greek edition does not appear to be a translation, but must be considered a new edition, a complete re-working of the first writing and likely a considerable expansion. The sources of the First Jewish-Roman are: this account of Josephus, the Talmud (Gittin 57b), Midrash Eichah, the Hebrew inscriptions on the Jewish coins minted, and Book V of Tacitus' Histories.
The Jewish War
Finding the Historical Jesus
By the time The Jewish War was written in about 75 AD the Pro-Roman Jesus isn't found nowhere. The only references to a messiah savior-like figure were written in the Dead Sea Scrolls dated from the 3rd century BCE to the 1st century CE. However, the Dead Sea Scrolls DO NOT point to a messiah named Yeshu, Joshua or Jesus. In addition, the argument that Jesus is the messiah the Jewish literature is talking about is even more questionable as the 2 main Yeshu characters mentioned were respectively about 100 years apart from Year 1 AD. This argument is quite ridiculous as is like telling the Jewish religious authorities Christians know better about Judaism than Jews. The fact is Jews recognize this 2 Yeshu characters as part of their religious literature but neither of them are even close to the Pro-Roman Jesus portrayed in the Christian Bible. So, who is the Historical Jesus the Christian Bible taks about and where to find him?
The Roman Empire won the 1st Jewish-Roman War in year 73 AD and about this time Josephus' wrote his first book, curiously enough the Bible's Gospels were written about this time as well. So logically speaking if The Jewish War and the Gospels were written about the same time in the 1st century they must point to similar characters, dates and locations. However, this is where the challenge begins, and unless you analyze these books objectively you can easily get lost by religious faith and abandon logical reason while pursuing the main goal of this dissertation which is To Find the Historical Jesus.
In the book The Jewish War Jesus Ben Ananias particularly catches the attention the most as he lived several experiences exactly the same as the Christian Pro-Roman Jesus. Although 2 other relevant characters in the book are named Jesus none of them are even close to the one portrayed in the Christian Bible. In addition, Vespasian also catches the attention as he saved the Roman Empire from internal civil war and bankruptcy due to Nero's poor leadership and management, also because Josephus declared him the messiah the Jews were waiting for.
During the The Jewish War the Zealots and Sicarii killed their own people for treason, they wanted all the Jews on board to fight against the Romans. They killed anyone who didn’t want to fight including women, children and high priests, they also burned their homes. During the war Titus Caesar encircled Jerusalem with a wall and cut the trees to make them weak and drive them into starvation so they were easier to defeat. The Jews were so hungry from the famine that even began to eat dead bodies. There’s a story in War telling a woman cut into 2 pieces her baby, eat a half and hid the other for later. The Zealots and Sicarii made the Jews in Jerusalem so miserable that they started wanting to be saved by an outsider and as you can guess, these saviors were the Romans. The victors of the war were Vespasian the Father and his Son Titus as they crushed the Jewish rebellion/revolt. Although they captured many Jews as slaves they were reasonable to good abiding/obedient Jewish citizens by setting them free.
Vespasian was especially complacent with a Jewish general who he captured himself in the 1st battle at Galilee, his name was Yosef ben Matityahu. This captured Jewish general while imprisoned requested to speak with Vespasian and foretold him he will become emperor in the future. After the “year of the 4 emperors (i.e. 69 AD)” came to pass, Vespasian remembered Yosef’s words and released him, then he became Titus’ interpreter before the Jews. This released Jewish general was later named Flavius Josephus and was welcomed into the Flavian Dynasty, curiously enough all his literary work was created and published during the Flavian Dynasty's reign. Josephus also was well educated and versed on Judaism as he was the son of a high priest.
Messianic Prophecy - Wikipedia
War of the Jews - Wikipedia
The 12 Caesars - Wikipedia
Judaea Capta Coinage - Wikipedia
Flavius Josephus
Following Julio-Claudian Dynasty tradition, the Imperial Cult was key to continue the Pax Romana(Roman Peace) achieved by Caesar Augustus. After saving the Roman Empire in 69 AD from internal civil war (the year of the 4 Emperors) and bankruptcy Vespasian (“the mule driver” - Suetonius) was declared the new Emperor by the Roman Senate (SPQR), now a new Dynasty was born, the Flavian Dynasty. Both Vespasian Caesar (Emperor/Father) and Titus Caesar (Emperor/Son) were later deified by the Roman Senate (SPQR) and official gods of the Roman Empire as the Father and the Son crushed the Jewish rebellion/revolt (Judaea Capta). Is worth mentioning Vespasian and Titus were the first emperors ever in the Roman Empire who where actually father and son with the same bloodline. The Imperial Cult was a form of Propaganda so government rules or titles alike were worshipped as demigods or deities.
Imperial Cult
Below 10 parallels between Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus Ben Ananias:
0. Both were Jewish peasants named Jesus
1. Both went to Jerusalem and preached/prophesied during religious festivals
2. Both quote from Jeremiah Chapter 7
3. Both predicted the temple's destruction
4. Both were apprehended, questioned and chastised by both, Jews and Romans
5. Neither spoke in their own defense in their hearings when questioned
6. Both were interviewed by the Roman procurator at the time and dismissed as madmen
7. Both born, lived and died under Roman occupation
8. Both were killed by Romans during the same century
9. Both mutually exclusive from Josephus' first two books
In fact, nobody knows exactly when James "the brother of Jesus" was born or how he died. However, everyone agrees he died when Lucceius Albinus was procurator of Judea, the exact same procurator who interviewed and released Jesus ben Ananias after calling him a madman.
What are the odds of all these 10 parallels happen exactly to 2 human beings in the same century and city both Jewish peasants named Jesus? THINK ABOUT IT! Why are they mutually exclusive from Josephus' first two books? Did Josephus suddenly forget about who Jesus Ben Ananias was 20 years later and remembers him as a demigod and more than a man? Have you forgotten what happened in 9/11/2001 at the Twin Towers 23 years ago? COMMON MAN! ;-)
Jesus Ben Ananias - Wikipedia
James the Just or the brother of Jesus,_brother_of_Jesus
Lucceius Albinus - Wikipedia
Jesus Ben Ananias was the main archetype for the Pro-Roman Jesus in Christianity, the real flesh and blood Jewish peasant man that wondered in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago. Vespasian and Titus were secondary archetypes and the basis for the concepts God/Father and Jesus/Son in Christianity, both were literally same flesh/blood and deified by the Roman Senate. In addition if we think about it, Titus' youngest brother Domitian completes the holy trinity (trinity = three distinct persons sharing one essence, substance, nature). The Colosseum and the Arch of Titus (aka Arch of Triumph at Via Sacra) still stand today in Rome, Italy in the name of these two deified Roman Emperors, The Flavian Dynasty.
Again, curiously enough, Jesus Ben Ananias isn't mentioned at all in Antiquities of the Jews, Josephus' 2nd book 20 years later... but the Pro-Roman Jesus is documented/referenced (FORGERY) twice, therefore Jesus Ben Ananias was simply ERASED/REPLACED from history for a reason!
Trinity - Wikipedia
Christianity is Propaganda created by The Flavian Dynasty during the transfer of power between them and The Julio-Claudian to satisfy both audiences, conquered/obedient Jews and Pagans. Christianity is mythology intertwined with historical facts at the time to portrait a pacifistic messiah/savior as told in the Dead Sea Scrolls' Messianic Prophecy rather than a militaristic one to keep the Jews in check while avoiding more extremist/fanatic rebellions/revolts while they were worshiped.
Instructed by Romans and lead by Josephus, the Greeks wrote a new version of Judaism transforming a well known dead Jewish peasant man into living and divine Father and Son gods. This new religion now called Christianity, is a darker and twisted version of the ancient Roman Imperial Cult adapted to The Flavian Dynasty where Vespasian and Titus are worshiped as gods without Christians consciously knowing it.
Jesus is scourged and brought before the Roman governor
"Four years before the war, when the city was enjoying profound peace and prosperity, there came to the feast at which it is the custom of all Jews to erect tabernacles to God, one Jesus, son of Ananias, a rude peasant, who suddenly began to cry out, "A voice from the east, a voice from the west, a voice from the four winds, a voice against Jerusalem and the sanctuary, a voice against the bridegroom and the bride, a voice against all the people." Day and night he went about all the alleys with this cry on his lips. Some of the leading citizens, incensed at these ill-omened words, arrested the fellow and severely chastised him. But he, without a word on his own behalf or for the private ear of those who smote him, only continued his cries as before. Thereupon, the magistrates, supposing, as was indeed the case, that the man was under some supernatural impulse, brought him before the Roman governor; there, although flayed to the bone with scourges, he neither sued for mercy nor shed a tear, but, merely introducing the most mournful of variations into his utterances, responded to each lashing with "Woe to Jerusalem!" When Albinus, the governor, asked him who and whence he was and why he uttered these cries, he answered him never a word, but unceasingly reiterated his dirge over the city, until Albinus pronounced him a maniac and let him go."
The Jewish War - Book 6, Chapter 5, Section 3
The two Jesuses are mutually exclusive from Josephus' first 2 books written 20 years apart. James "the brother of Jesus" dies under the exactly same Roman procurator who interviewed and released Jesus ben Ananias calling him a maniac.
Ministers of the New Covenant
“14 But thanks be to God (Vespasian), who always leads us as captives in Christ’s (Titus) triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.” <- As depicted under the Arch of Titus still standing today in Rome, i.e. Judaea Capta at Via Sacra
Corinthians 2 (2:14) - Attributed to Titus
Titus Sent to Receive the Collection
"19 What is more, he (Titus) was chosen by the churches to accompany us as we carry the offering, which we administer in order to honor the Lord (Vespasian) himself and to show our eagerness to help."
Corinthians 2 (8:16-24) - Attributed to Titus
Arch of Titus - Located at Via Sacra, Rome
2B Minds all over the World are still Enslaved to the Roman Imperial Cult from 2K years ago, this is the Biggest Crime against Human Consciousness. Is our duty as a specie to stop this cancer/darkness and bring the light of logic/reason into this malicious/poisonous matter.
If god is all that exist, can anything exist outside of it? Wo/man have asked these type of questions for millennia and still today there's no absolute answer. There are creationist and evolutionist theories and none of them is a law but just more fanatical and one-sided argument. As for me, I don't really care about those questions because I wasn't there, or at least I don't remember. What I do care about is the here and now and my future, about the environment I'm in and its laws, and how to better learn them to use them in my favor to continue evolving and moving forward.
The best way to find the truth is to look around you and contemplate nature. There are natural laws that govern our universe and planet Earth, they can guide and point us to what most likely the truth is. At times we don't understand these laws or events but that doesn't mean they are divine or miracles, it means we need to go deeper because we still lack the knowledge or experience to fully understand them. Nobody has been born from a virgin, neither walked on water, much less raise the dead, all there are pure myths, nonsense and against natural laws, just think about it them objectively, you know it.
The highest, most powerful and valuable asset a human being has is the mind, and the highest skill is to think. Learn how to think to elevate your consciousness, stay away from Christian Mythology and librate yourself from the chains of ignorance, you'll feel much lighter after getting this burden, guilt and weight off your back and unconscious mind. You weren't born a sinner, stop believing and start thinking, BE FREE!
- Written by Raul A. De Jesus
Myth - Wikipedia -
Many societies group their myths, legends, and history together, considering myths and legends to be true accounts of their remote past. The main characters in myths are usually non-humans, such as gods, demigods and other supernatural figures.
Contrasting Christian Mythology to Historical Facts
Myth: Bible’s Revelations.
Fact: Taken from the Dead Sea Scrolls, a rewrite from the War Scroll.
Myth: Jesus is born from a god and a virgin.
Fact: This is clearly Egyptian/Greek/Roman mythical influence, e.g. Horus, Perseus, Hercules, Mithras, etc. There was even a myth within the Roman Empire Augustus Caesar was born from Apollo who impregnated his mother in a temple (Suetonius' 12 Caesars).
Myth: Jesus resurrection.
Fact: This is clearly Egyptian/Greek/Roman mythical influence, e.g. Osiris, Baal, Mithras, etc.
Myth: Herod orders to kill all boys 2 years and under.
Fact: Herod ask Caesar for permission to execute 2 of his sons (Josephus’ War)
“I rather be Herod’s pig than his son” - Augustus Caesar. A copy of the Egyptian Pharaoh story sending to kill baby boys. There was even a myth within the Roman Empire a savior was going to be born in Valletri who one day will rule the world and the Roman Senate (SPQR) wanted to implement a rule for a year to prevent raising young boys, Augustus Caesar's parents happen to be from there so he was raised on this town (Suetonius' 12 Caesars).
Augustus Caesar's words
Pharaoh Tells the Midwives to Kill All Hebrew Baby Boys
Myth: Jesus cursed a fig tree.
Fact: Titus ordered to cut the trees around Jerusalem for the Jews to starve and be easier to conquer (Josephus’ War).
Myth: Jesus calls fishermen, Jesus turns water into wine.
Fact: Titus calls his legions to follow him and kill the Jews who were escaping to the sea in boats, the Roman soldiers used their spears to “catch them like fish” as they were jumping from the boats. The sea was literally full of dead bodies and red "like wine" from Jewish rebels blood (Josephus’ War).
Myth: Jesus heals the blind and the leg of man.
Fact: Suetonius tells us this exact same tale happened to Vespasian after he became Emperor, the agenda was to full-fill the Essenes’ Messianic Prophecy (Suetonius' 12 Caesars).
Myth: Jesus predicted the Temple destruction.
Fact: Jesus Ben Ananias prophesied omens against the temple of Jerusalem before he died by a Roman catapult rock (Josephus’ War), Titus burned and destroyed it to the ground in year 70 AD (Josephus’ War).
Myth: Jesus entered in Jerusalem in a mule as the messiah.
Fact: Vespasian was called “the mule driver” as once had a mule business to pay for debt, Vespasian entered in a mule when appointed Emperor by the Senate at Rome (Suetonius' 12 Caesars).
Myth: Simon Peter denied Jesus 3 times.
Fact: Titus sends Josephus 3 times to ask the Jews to surrender, one of the Jewish main Zealot generals’ name was Simon (Josephus’ War) who refused to surrender.
Myth: Jesus’ popular disciples were Simon and John.
Fact: The 2 main Jewish Zealot generals during the siege of Jerusalem were Simon and John (Josephus’ War).
Myth: Jesus cleanse the Temple.
Fact: In year 6 AD Judas of Galilee and his father do the same thing, Titus burned and took all precious metals and literature found at the Temple of Jerusalem (Josephus’ War).
Myth: Last days of Jesus.
Fact: Tale based on a character named Jesus Ben Ananias, a peasant who went around Jerusalem during the War, prophesied its destruction with omens, was tortured by the Jews, turned over to the Romans, tortured again, interviewed by the roman procurator at the time who let him free as considered him a madman (Josephus’ War).
THIS IS THE ONLY HISTORICAL RECORD IN THE WHOLE LITERARY WORLD OF THIS SCENARIO RECORDED OUTSIDE OF THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE. Curiously enough, Jesus Ben Ananias isn't mentioned at all in Antiquities of the Jews, Josephus' 2nd book 20 years later... but the Christian Jesus is documented/referenced (FORGERY) twice, therefore Jesus Ben Ananias was simply ERASED/REPLACED from history for a reason! Jesus Ben Ananias died hit by a rock from a Roman catapult during the War. <- "And I tell you that you are Peter (which means ''rock), and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." - Matthew 16:18.
Jesus Ben Ananias - Wikipedia
Myth: Jesus said “on this rock I will build my church” - Mathew 16:18.
Fact: Jesus Ben Ananias was killed by a rock from a Roman catapult (Josephus’ War), Simon the Jewish general went to hide from Titus in the rocks (Josephus’ War).
Myth: Jesus was send by god his father in heaven.
Fact: Once Vespasian is declared Emperor of Rome he sent Titus to finish the 1st Jewish-Roman War (Josephus’ War).
Myth: Jesus is referred as the son of god and son of man.
Fact: Titus along with the Senate deified Vespasian after his death, therefore Titus became literally a son of a god, same flesh and blood, Jews must have called him son of man as never accepted him as a demigod, while for the Gentiles/Pagans he was the son of god/Emperor Vespasian (Suetonius' 12 Caesars).
Myth: Jesus is of the same essence of his god father.
Fact: Titus is literally Vespasian’s son, same flesh and blood, Titus as Vespasian’s heir becomes Emperor, Titus was also deified by his brother Domitian and the Senate, both Father and Son were then official gods of the Roman Empire (Suetonius' 12 Caesars).
Myth: Christians claim Jesus to be the Jewish messiah.
Fact: Jews still don’t accept the Jesus as their messiah, Josephus identified Vespasian as the messiah the Jews were waiting for as both Vespasian and Titus were victorious in Judea full-filling the Essenes’ Messianic Prophecy, when Vespasian died he said “I suppose, I shall soon be a god.", after wining the war Titus reportedly refused to accept a wreath of victory and said “there is no merit in vanquishing people forsaken by their own God.” (Josephus’ War, Suetonius' 12 Caesars).
Jews for Judaism - YouTube
Orthodox Rabi explains why Jesus does not full fill any of the Jewish prophecies.
Matthew 22:15-22 - “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” - Jesus. Is like Titus Ceasar instructing the Jews, “be a good citizen, pay taxes to my father (Vespasian Ceasar)” or for that matter the Roman Empire.
Fact: In the 300s the Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity. The Council of Nicaea in 325 AD “hand-picked” the books to be included and excluded in the 1st version of the Christian Bible.
Council of Nicaea - Wikipedia
Fact: In 1,240 in the Disputation of Paris the Talmud was judged by the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church. The outcome, the Talmud was declared heresy as the 2 main Yeshu characters didn’t paint an acceptable picture of the Christian Jesus. These 2 Yeshus lived 100 years (BC and AD respectively) apart from the Christian Jesus. All copies of the Talmud were burnt, the surviving copies in custody of the Catholic Church were adulterated. Thanks to Jewish oral traditions we know as a Historical Fact the original copies of the Talmud were adulterated. “Not every Louis born in France is King” - Jewish Rabbis, Talmud defendants.
Disputation of Paris - Wikipedia
Jews for Judaism - YouTube
Orthodox Rabi explains the Christian Jesus isn’t the 2 Yeshus found in the Talmud and how it was adulterated from its original form.
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